CrossWinds Church is committed to providing a welcoming and supportive community for all people, including our senior citizens. Out XYZ ("Xtra Years of Zest") Group offers a variety of programs and activities to stay engaged and connected to Jesus and each other.
We Believe that community is essential for our well-beings. The XYZ group provides a safe and supportive space for seniors to connect with others, share their experiences, and build lasting friendships.
Meets for worship at our 9am Traditional Worship service.
Make the Word of God your foundation and apply God's Word to your daily life. Join for a time of community, teaching, and prayer.
Every other month on the second Tuesday, the group meets for breakfast and listens to a guest speaker, who offers a short devotional or ministry update. These breakfasts are heald at Brandon's Diner on Sunnymead Blvd.
Throughout the year, the group organizes other activities, such as camping trips.